The situation of being stuck at home has me all bent this way and that. Even as an introvert I like social interaction. I should be tackling things like editing my book or preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo. All I really want is to binge-watch Netflix (send suggestions) and cry while I teach my second grader math. They don’t carry the one! I have now taught him how I do it (you know, way back in prehistoric times) and we looked up how he’s supposed to do it. I’m probably doing serious damage to his little brain. I think the school year is over and this is the norm until next year. We shall see.

This is the perfect time to catch up on some reading and a few projects around the house. Hope you all find milk, eggs, and bread. I have only been successful with milk this last week.

8 responses to “”

  1. Serendipity was with me on the bread front, Right before the craziness began I had ordered 10 pounds of flour (my normal order from Hayden Mills) and I have a bread machine, salt and yeast, so I am ready for the future! I keep telling my husband to relax, we have enough food for two weeks (or probably more) even if we end up eating a few strange meals at the end.

    What worries me is all along I have been telling myself things will be better by April 1st and now I am starting to hear things about 12 weeks, not 2 or so. Yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Same here. There are rumors school may not go back in session at all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Actually I am “unliking” this 🙂

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      2. Fingers To Sky Avatar



  2. “Suggestions”? I would recommend:
    Breaking Bad
    Black Mirror
    Star Trek Discovery


    1. Oh… and with reference to your Gravatar, I’d also recommend this post of mine.


  3. Peter Martuneac Avatar
    Peter Martuneac

    Pretty crazy what’s going on, and ironic that your book is about a virus-induced lockdown haha! I think we dystopian writers brought this upon us 😱

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melisa Peterson Lewis Avatar
      Melisa Peterson Lewis

      Ha! I hope not. I would never survive a real zombie situation. But I also wouldn’t be hoarding toilet paper!

      Liked by 1 person

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